Thursday, September 4, 2008

India's Road to being a Super power

India’s Road to be a super power- A Distant dream

We are a nation of one billion plus with more than half the population struggling for power (Electricity) to light their bulbs at home, so the nation becoming a super power is definitely a long road ahead.

India’s image in the rest of the globe is that of a soft and mediocre nation whose economy has boomed courtesy talented people and the price charged for their intellect. We are a society full of rules but no followers and nobody to execute. No Super power in the world has become a super power with out an element of dictatorship in their execution. So we need leaders who also have dictating abilities in order to administer things.

Gone are the days of protests which fetch results after years of struggle and a few deaths to add on to. The road is there but we drive too slowly, in order to establish itself as a commanding nation India needs a severe change in policies and systems. Countries cannot become super powers by buying weapons and aircrafts, but by inculcating some basic amenities which would make the civilization strong. The entire world counts on a decision made by a super power and all the global economies are linked to the super power in some way or the other and this can happen only if the civilization of the country is resourceful and strong enough to make an impact.
We need to market our abilities in a much more systematic manner in order for people to realize that we are not a land with just people all around, but a land of geniuses who are not mediocre by any means. To add-on to we should not remember these things on specific occasions like the Independence day and the feeling of enthusiasm should be there year around.

Unconventionality is the need of the hour and implementation of unconventional rules will attract a lot of protest. All super powers in the world have been opposed to or protested but they still remain to reign over the world.

Since the occasion is the biggest for any Indian and patriotism will be flowing in the nerves and veins of many, for the day, many of them who read this might disagree to what is written above and be optimistic about India becoming a super power in the near future. But since democracy allows you to express opinions I feel that there has to be a huge wave of revolution for us to achieve something like that, and that wave also can be bought about by the people of the nation.
But it takes a lot of effort to do that and hopefully we all put in the same .

To conclude :In order to achieve something you never had ,do something which you never did.

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